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Butterflie´s power camp

25.07. – 29.07.2022

Summer camp 25.7.2022 - 29.7.2021

For children aged 3 to 7 years

Lecturer: Agnes Costa e Silva

Butterflie´s power camp

2022 summer camp will be all about butterflies  summer  nature, exploring neighborhood by going to the park as well as scavenger hunting in the forest. We will spend a lot of time outdoors and as always having fun. On rainy days we'll stay busy playing indoor games in the classroom and around the school or do some beautiful arts  and crafts.




The camp is in MuŠka Kindergarten, Edisonova 27/21, Prague 10 - Petrovice. Meeting of kids is at 8:00 to 8:15. Picking kids up is from 16:00 to 17:45. Outdoor activities will take place in the garden of the MuŠka kindergarten and around the MuŠka near the Hostivař Park.


In case of further questions about the afternoon courses in the MuŠka preschool, please write to info@muskaskolka.cz or contact the coordinator Katka on tel.: 777 474 050.

Vision: „To raise children to art love at an early age“

The aim of our preschool: „To educate children in the field of art in a loving and joyful environment full of support, encouragement and understanding“

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