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<em class="default-language">Závěrečný koncert školky MuŠka</em>

<em class="default-language">Závěrečný koncert školky MuŠka</em>

Vážení rodiče,

chtěli bychom vás pozvat na Závěrečný koncert školky MuŠka. Letošní koncert s názvem Vítejte v džungli, U lvího krále! se koná neděli 9.6. od 16:30.

Rezervaci vstupenek je třeba udělat přes rezervační systém a poté zaplatit v hotovosti v kanceláři školky do 3 dnů od rezervace. 
Rezervace bude zpřístupněná dne 30.5. v 10:00. Odkaz na rezervační systém v tento čas naleznete zde:



Budeme se těši v neděli 9.6. v Sále městské části Praha Petrovice.


Tým školky MuŠka

<em class="default-language">Staňte se součástí MuŠky - Anglicko-umělecká třída</em>


Pro nadcházející školní rok se nám nečekaně uvolnila 2 místa v Anglicko-umělcké třídě na plnou docházku.

Využijte možnosti stát se součástí naší Mateřské umělecké školky MuŠka a kontaktujte manažerku školky pí. Přibylovou, 776 660 721. Rádi Vám školku představíme a vyslechneme si i Vaše představy.

Ozvat se samožřejmě mohou i klienti, které jsme letos z důvodu plně naplněné kapacity odmítly!

Přejeme všem krásný den a těšíme se na Vás

Tým školky MuŠka

<em class="default-language">Staňte se součástí MuŠky</em>



Anglicko-umělecká třída

Pro nadcházející školní rok se nám nečekaně uvolnila 2 místa v Anglicko-umělcké třídě na plnou docházku.

Využijte možnosti stát se součástí naší Mateřské umělecké školky MuŠka a kontaktujte manažerku školky pí. Přibylovou, 776 660 721. Rádi Vám školku představíme a vyslechneme si i Vaše představy.

Ozvat se samožřejmě mohou i klienti, které jsme letos z důvodu plně naplněné kapacity odmítly!

Pro děti do české třídy od 2 let ještě pár míst máme. Ale neváhejte rychle se plní!

Přejeme všem krásný den a těšíme se na Vás

Tým školky MuŠka

Mobile zoo in MuŠka


One of the beautiful events in March was a visit to the mini zoo in Milíčovský Háj and undoubtedly also the Mobile Zoo.As part of the "Animals and Cubs" project day, Mrs. Olga, who owns the Zvěřinec on the farm, came to Muška and brought us to the kindergarten to show us the spring cubs. But it was not only our traditional animals, such as chickens, lambs, rabbits or puppies, but Mrs. Olga also brought meerkat cubs.

The children listened carefully to new information about the animals, such as who the mothers are, mother and father, where the animals live, what they eat or what they are useful for humans. The children were most happy that they could pet, bury or even feed the animals. Everyone really liked this event with animals, and as part of this project day, the children played themed games and created a spring decorative flowerpot with seeds. Now they are watching closely as the grass grows for everyone.

June at MuŠka


Červen v MuŠce

Hurrah!!! We finally enjoyed a month full of events like the old days. June in MuŠka was full of many interesting experiences not only for children, but also for their parents.


June began with Children's Day, which we celebrated at our kindergarten in the garden. The children ended the day full of games and competitions with an ice cream sundae. On the second day of June, we went on a trip to the Prague Zoo. The weather was kind to us, so we went back and forth to the zoo. We saw a lot of beautiful and also interesting animals.


During the first half of the month, the children practiced a lot for the final concert of the MuŠka kindergarten. A big event that we were able to hold again after long restrictions. For most of the children, it was the first experience of standing on boards that mean the world. This year's theme of the concert was "With MuŠka in the forest", all performances, whether singing, dancing or dramatic, were in the spirit of the forest. We are incredibly proud of the performance of all our little MuŠek and we also thank all the parents for their support from the audience.



The end of the school year is also associated with saying goodbye. We are saying goodbye to our 4 preschoolers this year. They have not only learned a lot of things over the past year and are ready to sit down at school. We ended the ceremonial matching of preschoolers with their parents with theater and archery.

And even before we left for the holidays, we had dogs at our kindergarten. But these weren't just any dogs. These were therapy dogs trained for canistherapy. The children were very happy with them.


And at the end of the month, we had the "Farewell to Kindergarten" event

Total records: 7

Vision: „To raise children to art love at an early age“

The aim of our preschool: „To educate children in the field of art in a loving and joyful environment full of support, encouragement and understanding“

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